Why hire a game design consultant?

When you're deep into the process of creating a game, it's easy to become so immersed in your project that you lose sight of the bigger picture. That's where hiring a game design consultant can make all the difference. Another set of eyes to provide feedback and inspire you could be exactly what your game needs to reach its full potential.

The best reason for bringing in outside help on your game is the fresh perspective they offer.

This doesn’t have to be a game designer like me… this could be a player, friend, or family member. But maybe you don't want to share your work too broadly yet, or you're having trouble finding reliable feedback. Something I can provide is what’s worked for me as I’ve created prototypes, final builds, and game updates… on large teams and small. I also work in Unity, Unreal, and Godot and can point you in direction if you’re stuck developing your game.

If you need specific technical expertise, I offer freelancing services for Unity UI and development, as well as design services in Figma. Whether you're looking for someone to take your UI to the next level or need help with the design aspects of your game, I’m here to help.

I’m always open to a complementary game consultation to chat with you and learn about your game. It’s an opportunity to discuss your project, explore ideas, and see how I can support your vision. Plus, I always enjoy making new connections in the industry and seeing what others are creating. If you're considering hiring a consultant, I'm here to offer my experience and passion for game design to help you succeed.


Using Twine to Make Narrative Games


The Game Design Resource Guide